How to get from Bangkok to Hua Hin

About traveling from Bangkok to Hua Hin

Hua Hin is a seaside resort town about 200 km Southwest of Bangkok. It is a relatively quiet town due to the fact that it has served as a relaxation escape for Thai Royalty and Bangkok residents since the 1920’sBetween Bangkok and Hua Hin are some exceptional sights, including the impressive Tham Khao Luang Cave, Khao Wang Palace, Mrigadayavan Palace, Hutsadin Elephant Foundation. However, the only way to experience these is to book a private car transfer with Daytrip.

How to get from Bangkok to Hua Hin

If you’re travelling from Bangkok to Hua Hin, you have several travel options. For travellers on a budget, the train is the cheapest way to travel from Bangkok to Hua Hin. The fastest way to travel from Bangkok to Hua Hin is by car, and a car is of course the best way to travel from Bangkok to Hua Hin since it’s so convenient. The bus is the second cheapest and second fastest option to travel from Bangkok to Hua Hin. There are no commercial flights between Bangkok and Hua Hin.

Bangkok to Hua Hin by train

To travel from Bangkok to Hua Hin by train, you need to get to the Hua Lamphong station and purchase a ticket to Hua Hin. First-class tickets cost €5, second-class tickets cost €3, and third-class tickets cost €1. The earliest train is at 8:05 AM, and the last train is at 10:50 PM, with trains departing every 1.5 hours. The train from Bangkok to Hua Hin  is operated by State Railway of Thailand, with train tickets from Bangkok to Hua Hin costing €3 on average for the 4.5hour trip. The distance from Budapest to Vienna is about 200 kilometers.Trains have very basic bathrooms on board, and sometimes offer snacks and beverages for sale.

Bangkok to Hua Hin by bus

To travel from Bangkok to Hua Hin by bus you must travel to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport. The Roong Rueang bus departs from the airport and arrives at Hua Hin Soi 96 bus station. The trip takes about 3 hours and the ticket price is about €7. Tickets can be bought on the internet or at the airport. Buses run every hour and a half during the daytime only. 

Bangkok to Hua Hin by Ferry

Not applicable.

Bangkok to Hua Hin Flight

There are no commercial flights from Bangkok to Hua Hin.

Bangkok to Hua Hin by Private Car Transfer

For speed and convenience, a private car transfer with Daytrip is the best way to travel from Hua Hin to Bangkok. You will be picked up at your accommodation, and the driver will take care of your luggage. You’ll then be able to enjoy door-to-door service to your accommodation in Hua Hin, and can even add sightseeing stops on the way!

Book a Private Car Transfer from Bangkok to Hua Hin

Going the other direction? Check our guide on How to get from Hua Hin to Bangkok

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How to get from Hua Hin to Bangkok


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