How to get from Krakow to Budapest

Budapest and Krakow

About traveling from Krakow to Budapest

Both Krakow and Budapest are beautiful historical cities in the heart of Europe with rich histories dating back to the Middle Ages. In each, you can enjoy beautiful architecture, and vibrant cultures.Between Krakow and Budapest are some exceptional sights, including the relaxing bear farm, exquisite town of Esztergom, the quaint medieval silver town Banska Stiavnica, the UNESCO listed Vlkolinec, the haunting Oravsky hrad, and fascinating Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. However, the only way to experience these is to book a private car transfer with Daytrip.

How to get from Krakow to Budapest

If you’re travelling from Krakow to Budapest, you have several travel options. For travellers on a budget, the bus is the cheapest way to travel from Krakow to Budapest. The fastest way to travel from Krakow to Budapest is by bus or car, though a car is of course the best way to travel from Krakow to Budapest since it’s so convenient. It’s also possible to take a flight from Krakow to Budapest, though with only one direct flight per day it is the least flexible option. Trains are also available, but with only a couple of departures per day, and trips lasting a minimum of 9 hours, they are hardly a time-conscious choice.

Krakow to Budapest by train

To travel from Krakow to Budapest by train, you need to get to Krakow Glowny station and purchase a ticket to either Budapest Nyugati-pu or Budapest-Keleti, or you can buy your tickets in advance online. The earliest train is at 9:34 AM, and the last train is at 10:36 PM. The train from Budapest to Krakow is operated by Polrail, with train tickets from Krakow to Budapest costing €52-104 on average for the 9 hour trip. The distance from Krakow to Budapest is about 400 kilometers.Trains have bathrooms on board, and usually offer a dining car.

Krakow to Budapest by bus

To travel from Krakow to Budapest by bus, you will need to start at the station Krakow, Dworzec Autobusowy and purchase tickets to one of four possible Budapest stations: Mexikoi Ut M, Konyves Kalman korut, Kelenfold vasutallomas Etele ter, or Szent Gellert-templom. While you can buy your ticket at the station, it’s best to purchase them in advance. The earliest bus is at 7:45 AM, and the last bus is at 11:50 PM, with busses leaving at varying intervals (there are no busses from 7:45am to 1:40pm, or from 4pm until 10:15pm). The bus from Krakow to Budapest is run by Flixbus or  Regiojet, with bus tickets from Krakow to Budapest costing between €14-€34 for the 7.5 hour trip. The distance from Krakow to Budapest is about 400 kilometers.Most options offer direct service from Krakow to Budapest.

Krakow to Budapest Flight

To travel by plane, you need to get to John Paul II International Airport in Krakow. As usual with flights, you’ll want to buy your tickets in advance. For travelling such a short distance, only direct flights make sense. There is only one direct flight per day, at 111 EUR. It’s recommended to arrive at the airport 2 hours before the flight, making this the least economical option.

Krakow to Budapest by Private Car Transfer

For speed and convenience, a private car transfer with Daytrip is the best way to travel from Krakow to Budapest. You will be picked up at your accommodation, and the driver will take care of your luggage. You’ll then be able to enjoy door-to-door service to your accommodation in Budapest, and can even add sightseeing stops on the way!

Book a private car transfer from Krakow to Budapest!

Going the other direction? Check how to get from Budapest to Krakow

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How to get from Budapest to Krakow