6 Reasons Why Spring Is The Best Time To Visit Europe
Spring is the ideal time to try new things, embrace fresh adventures and push away the winter hibernation blues. And what better way to do that than through travel?Europe is the perfect destination for a springtime getaway. Not only does the continent provide a wide variety of climates and landscapes to choose from, but spring vacationers can also save money on their trip while at the same time avoiding the tiresome summer crowds. It’s a win-win situation!Below we’ve rounded up six reasons Spring is the best time to visit Europe, so what are you waiting for?! Europe is awaiting your arrival!1) The LandscapesSpring is the time for flowers and Europe has some truly lovely ones. Most European cities have at least one big park and outdoor space is considered a very important part of the modern, metropolitan lifestyle so it makes sense that these areas are made to look as appealing as possible. There's something about seeing plants in full bloom that is lifting to the spirits and some colourful spring blossoms really adds something to photos!2) Better WeatherSpring and Fall are by far the most temperate times to visit Europe, however when visiting during the Spring months you get to feel the excitement and anticipation of the local population for the upcoming warmer months. While the definition of a 'bad winter' can vary wildly across the continent, after the short, dark days of January and February Europeans everywhere are eager to get some fresh air so parks, town squares and outdoor seating areas are bustling with activity. A jacket and scarf may still be required but the sense of hope and optimism for the new season can really be felt.
Come to enjoy the spring sun3) Longer DaysEurope 'Springs forward' on the last Sunday of March (March 26th in 2016) meaning although we all lose out on an hour of sleep, the evenings finally start getting longer and lighter. Long evenings are a staple of European summers and the hour change means that spring has officially arrived. For travellers the lighter evenings mean more time for sightseeing while there is still daylight to see by!
4) More Things Are OpenDuring the winter months, historical buildings and sites often operate under reduced opening hours and staffing. Sometimes they are even closed altogether for refurbishments. Come springtime regular hours and staff numbers resume, ready and waiting to welcome you to their venue. As spring falls at the beginning of the 'busy season' morale is high and facilities newly renovated, meaning you early bird visitors get to experience the very best.
5) Less TouristsTalking of the very best, as a Spring visitor you will be ahead of the crowds that descend on the continent every summer. Lines are shorter, public transport less crowded, tours not over-booked, prices not yet hiked up. Being ahead of the summer holiday crowd can be a huge advantage, especially for visitors looking to get away from the typical tourist gimmicks. Less tourists also means more locals! So if you are hoping to spend time around the people who actually live in the city you are visiting, Spring is the time to do it before they jet off for their own vacations!
6) Cheaper Fares and Travel CostsNot only is spring a prime time for airlines to knock down their prices, but hotels, tour providers and sometimes even restaurants offer discounts for springtime visitors. This is in part due things being quieter than they are in the summer, but venues are also often testing out their products and services before the numbers pick up. So if you're not overly fussed about perfection there are plenty of cheap deals to be found for savvy spring travellers.